Volunteer Placements

Child sexual abuse is a serious problem in Ghana, and reported cases are increasing.
In 2012, the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) of the Ghana police reported that Ghana had 1,111 reported cases of child sexual assault.
The prevalence rate of child sexual abuse in
In 2014, Light for Children opened an Education Center to serve more than 700 public school students and community members in Atonsu, Kumasi. The center includes a library and a computer lab containing 25 computers with internet access.
Volunteers at the Education Center can teach
Light for Children has ongoing partnerships with a number of orphanages in the Ashanti region. We place volunteers only in accredited orphanages that treat the children well and place a high priority on re-integrating them with family and the community wherever possible.
This program offers the opportunity for professional teachers and education students to teach in Ghana for at least one term, usually in a junior or senior high school. The most in-demand subjects are:
English Language
Ghana Summer School is a Light for Children program providing free summer education for poor children in the Ashanti region. The program commenced in the summer of 2008 and is still going strong.
Lasting 5 weeks, the school offers core subjects to
The goal of the School Health Program is the promotion of basic health and education in struggling communities.
The program includes the following:
Physical examination and screening of the school children
Body mass index measurement
Eye test
The internship programme enriches students’ education by enabling them to integrate classroom learning with the practical world. It encourages students to go beyond the confines of the campus, their own academic disciplines, cultures, and geographical boundaries. Light for Children places interns in public and private institutions and leading non-governmental organizations.
Internship placements include:
We welcome nursing students, nurses, medical students, medical officers, and paramedics who want to contribute towards health care and health promotion in the country. The intern will shadow a medical officer and occasionally the medical officer will assign a task for the volunteer to perform. Nursing students will be working closely with the matron of the hospital.
We have partnership arrangements with 15 health facilities both in